Does your company support government contracts?  Do you handle Federal Contract Information (FCI) or Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)?  Do you have existing contracts with FAR and DFARs clauses?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions then you will be required to comply with some level of CMMC.  Blue Mantle can HELP!

On 15 October 2024 the Final Rule (RIN 0790-AL49) of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Program was published in the Federal Register.  As of 16 December 2024 DoD’s CMMC Program, as codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (32 CFR part 170), is in full effect!

CMMC compliance will be required of every DoD contractor.  CMMC Title 48 Proposed Rule is in the Federal rulemaking process, which means, when it is approved CMMC requirements will be seen in Federal Contracts!

Blue Mantle understands the burden this places on the DoD contractor, especially the small business and start up.  BMT itself is a small business and is required to comply with CMMC!  We are not just another firm claiming the ability to get you “CMMC Compliant”.  We understand first hand the effects this requirement has and the stress it can cause the business owner.

WE CAN AND WANT TO HELP! We help firms alleviate that stress with efficient and cost effective solutions that allow you and your company navigate the confusion and the anxiety.  WE WILL BE YOUR ADVOCATES!

BMT also understands that talk is cheap, so we put our money where are mouths are!!

BMT’s CMMC experts will sit down with you, FREE OF CHARGE, for a 1 hour preliminary GAP ASSESSMENT and consultation call.  If you aren’t convinced we are the partner you want then there is no obligation, but if you are, and we know you will be, this is just the beginning!  Get ready for the weight to lift from your shoulders!!

Blue Mantle’s experts can save you money, time, and aggravation by solving this compliance puzzle for you!


For current CMMC Rulemaking updates, please visit the Federal Register.
For additional information: CMMC Model 2.0

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